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Is time travel possible?

Time travel means moving between different points in time. It has been a exciting topic for science fiction for decades. As we have seen in movies, that humans get in a vehicle of some sort and arrive in the past or future. And each of them come up with their own theories. But the reality is however more complicated. Not all scientists believe that time travel is possible. And some even say that an attempt would be fatal for humans who undertakes it.  Before we come in time travel, first we have to know what is time?              At first scienctists thought that time is constant. Then the mastermind physicist Albert Einstein, in his 'Theory of general relativity' and 'Theory of special relativity', showed that time is an illusion, it is relative with the speed of the observers.  Einstein said that time is the 'Fourth Dimension'. And it only moves forward. Time slows down and speeds up depending upon how fast you move relative to something else. And this e

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